Download the 2024 AEI

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Contact Person for AEI (if not the same as above):

If you have any questions concerning the points below please refer to our FAQ.

By submitting this form I agree and understand on behalf of my organization to the following obligations:

We will send a personalized communication to our members and customers per the distribution quantities listed below inviting them to complete the Index benchmark survey and will send (up to) 2 follow up reminders to encourage maximum participation, according to the timeline and process outlined by insidery (MCI’s research partner).

We understand that participation in this Index benchmark survey is free of charge for our organization, unless we specifically request a personalized detailed report. See below - Insidery Commitment 2.

We understand that the Engagement Index as a Benchmarking survey is a standardized survey. The name or acronym of our association will appear in the question texts where applicable.

I understand the obligations of insidery as show below:

insidery (MCI’s research partner) promises to hold confidential all data input received from members and customers. Such data will be used in aggregate form to establish trends, drivers and the Index engagement benchmark. The Index will be executed compliant with GDPR and BVM regulations (German Market Research Association).

insidery will deliver to each participating association its individual Engagement Index Fact Sheet. A personalized report – whereby insidery shares key findings derived from the members/customers of a specific association – may be requested for a fee of €1,900.

1. Please provide approximate numbers of your GDPR compliant database for distribution of the AEI survey. It is understood that these quantities will need to be verified and confirmed:

Professional Society/Individual Member Organization

Trade Association

2. Please indicate how your association be referred to in the survey (association name or acronym)

3. How did you hear about the AEI 2024?

Thank you for registering your association to participate in the Association Engagement Index 2024 study.  

Your submission has been successfully received. Insidery (MCI's research partner) will be in touch soon to quantify your GDPR compliant data pool and provide your association’s survey link.

Please look out for emails from

In January-February, you will invite your members, customers and contacts to complete the survey. You can review our sample invitation email on the Index website for guidance. Insidery will keep an eye on responses and ask you to send reminders if needed based on the response rate.

In March, Insidery will gather and analyze the results. By April, you'll receive your Engagement Index Fact Sheet and access the AEI 2024 report.

Any questions? Please contact

Thank you for your participation. Your contribution is instrumental in enriching this global benchmark study, benefitting associations around the world.  

The MCI Team,  
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Thank you. You will start receiving updates about the Association Engagement Index.

For more information contact
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Contact Person for AEI (if not the same as above):

If you have any questions concerning the points below please refer to our FAQ.

By submitting this form I agree and understand on behalf of my organization to the following obligations:

We will send a personalized communication to our members and customers per the distribution quantities listed below inviting them to complete the Index benchmark survey and will send (up to) 2 follow up reminders to encourage maximum participation, according to the timeline and process outlined by insidery (MCI’s research partner).

We understand that participation in this Index benchmark survey is free of charge for our organization, unless we specifically request a personalized detailed report. See below - Insidery Commitment 2.

We understand that the Engagement Index as a Benchmarking survey is a standardized survey. The name or acronym of our association will appear in the question texts where applicable.

I understand the obligations of insidery as show below:

insidery (MCI’s research partner) promises to hold confidential all data input received from members and customers. Such data will be used in aggregate form to establish trends, drivers and the Index engagement benchmark. The Index will be executed compliant with GDPR and BVM regulations (German Market Research Association).

insidery will deliver to each participating association its individual Engagement Index Fact Sheet. A personalized report – whereby insidery shares key findings derived from the members/customers of a specific association – may be requested for a fee of €1,900.

1. Please provide approximate numbers of your GDPR compliant database for distribution of the AEI survey. It is understood that these quantities will need to be verified and confirmed:

Professional Society/Individual Member Organization

Trade Association

2. Please indicate how your association be referred to in the survey (association name or acronym)

3. How did you hear about the AEI 2024?

Thank you for registering your association to participate in the Association Engagement Index 2024 study.  

Your submission has been successfully received. Insidery (MCI's research partner) will be in touch soon to quantify your GDPR compliant data pool and provide your association’s survey link.

Please look out for emails from

In January-February, you will invite your members, customers and contacts to complete the survey. You can review our sample invitation email on the Index website for guidance. Insidery will keep an eye on responses and ask you to send reminders if needed based on the response rate.

In March, Insidery will gather and analyze the results. By April, you'll receive your Engagement Index Fact Sheet and access the AEI 2024 report.

Any questions? Please contact

Thank you for your participation. Your contribution is instrumental in enriching this global benchmark study, benefitting associations around the world.  

The MCI Team,  
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Thank you. You will start receiving updates about the Association Engagement Index.

For more information contact
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Contact Person for AEI (if not the same as above):

If you have any questions concerning the points below please refer to our FAQ.

By submitting this form I agree and understand on behalf of my organization to the following obligations:

We will send a personalized communication to our members and customers per the distribution quantities listed below inviting them to complete the Index benchmark survey and will send (up to) 2 follow up reminders to encourage maximum participation, according to the timeline and process outlined by insidery (MCI’s research partner).

We understand that participation in this Index benchmark survey is free of charge for our organization, unless we specifically request a personalized detailed report. See below - Insidery Commitment 2.

We understand that the Engagement Index as a Benchmarking survey is a standardized survey. The name or acronym of our association will appear in the question texts where applicable.

I understand the obligations of insidery as show below:

insidery (MCI’s research partner) promises to hold confidential all data input received from members and customers. Such data will be used in aggregate form to establish trends, drivers and the Index engagement benchmark. The Index will be executed compliant with GDPR and BVM regulations (German Market Research Association).

insidery will deliver to each participating association its individual Engagement Index Fact Sheet. A personalized report – whereby insidery shares key findings derived from the members/customers of a specific association – may be requested for a fee of €1,900.

1. Please provide approximate numbers of your GDPR compliant database for distribution of the AEI survey. It is understood that these quantities will need to be verified and confirmed:

Professional Society/Individual Member Organization

Trade Association

2. Please indicate how your association be referred to in the survey (association name or acronym)

3. How did you hear about the AEI 2024?

Thank you for registering your association to participate in the Association Engagement Index 2024 study.  

Your submission has been successfully received. Insidery (MCI's research partner) will be in touch soon to quantify your GDPR compliant data pool and provide your association’s survey link.

Please look out for emails from

In January-February, you will invite your members, customers and contacts to complete the survey. You can review our sample invitation email on the Index website for guidance. Insidery will keep an eye on responses and ask you to send reminders if needed based on the response rate.

In March, Insidery will gather and analyze the results. By April, you'll receive your Engagement Index Fact Sheet and access the AEI 2024 report.

Any questions? Please contact

Thank you for your participation. Your contribution is instrumental in enriching this global benchmark study, benefitting associations around the world.  

The MCI Team,  
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the definition of engagement?
How does the Association Engagement Index measure engagement?
How much does participation in the Index cost?
What do participating associations receive?
Can participating associations receive a detailed report?
When will the next edition of the Association Engagement Index be published?
What member types and categories, should receive the survey? What is a customer?
Who sends the survey to participating associations’ members/customers?
Can participating associations see the survey before signing up and inviting their members/customers to participate?
By when do associations need to send the survey invitation to their members?
Who collects the data?
What are the obligations of participating associations?


Will the survey link contain our association’s name and branding?
Is input from our members/customers confidential?
How will we know if our members/customers have answered the survey?